Annotations |
@DeclareRoles (*) |
@RunAs (*) |
@EJB |
@EJBs |
@Resource |
@Resources |
@PersistenceContext |
@PersistenceContexts |
@PersistenceUnit |
@PersistenceUnits |
@PostConstruct |
@PreDestroy |
@WebServiceRef |
@WebServiceRefs |
Annotations must be supported on the following container managed classes that implement the following interfaces:
Component Type | Component Type Classes implementing the following interfaces | Notes |
Servlets | javax.servlet.Servlet | Java Servlet Specification version 2.5 References must be injected prior to any lifecycle methods being called and the component instance being made available the application. |
Filters | javax.servlet.Filter | |
Listeners | javax.servlet.ServletContextAttributeListener javax.servlet.ServletRequestListener javax.servlet.ServletRequestAttributeListener javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionListener javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionAttributeListener javax.servlet.AsyncListener | |
ManagedBean | JavaServer Faces Specification v 2.0 Only beans declared to be in request, session, or application scope are eligible for resource injection. Methods on managed beans declared to be in request, view, session, or application scope, annotated with @PostConstruct, must be called by the JSF implementation after resource injection is performed (if any) but before the bean is placed into scope. Methods on managed beans declared to be in request, session, or application scope, annotated with @PreDestroy, must be called by the JSF implementation before the bean is removed from its scope or before the scope itself is destroyed, whichever comes first. In the case of a managed bean placed in view scope, methods annotated with @PreDestroy must only be called when the view scope is destroyed. |
(*) Annotations not allowed in Managed Bean